Pulse SC2 Pulse


The estimated refresh time is a pessimistic estimate, some data may be updated faster.

Match history is updated every 2 hours

Last updated 2024-10-06T07:51:55.596038Z(PT20.267563341S)

Region Health RPH used RPH RPS Flags Estimated refresh duration
NA 92.33% 23.42% 35,950.00 7.40 partial prioritized prioritized_x2 PT4M0.008378S
EU 83.69% 22.98% 35,950.00 7.40 partial prioritized prioritized_x2 PT4M0.008378S
KR 71.06% 13.90% 35,950.00 7.40 partial prioritized prioritized_x2 PT4M0.008378S
Fully operational.
No BattleTags, league tiers, and clan names. Simplified races in team formats.
May be slower in some cases. Arbitrary data may be missing.
1v1 [GOLD, PLATINUM, DIAMOND, MASTER, GRANDMASTER] are prioritized. {LOTV_2V2=[DIAMOND, MASTER, GRANDMASTER], LOTV_3V3=[MASTER, GRANDMASTER], LOTV_4V4=[MASTER, GRANDMASTER], LOTV_ARCHON=[MASTER, GRANDMASTER]} are updated 2.33 times slower. Other data is updated 7 times slower.
1v1 [DIAMOND, MASTER, GRANDMASTER] are prioritized. 1v1 PLATINUM is updated 4.33 times slower. {LOTV_2V2=[DIAMOND, MASTER, GRANDMASTER], LOTV_3V3=[MASTER, GRANDMASTER], LOTV_4V4=[MASTER, GRANDMASTER], LOTV_ARCHON=[MASTER, GRANDMASTER]} are updated 6.5 times slower. Other data is updated 13 times slower.
Much slower.


High definition MMR history limits; 1v1: 1460 days, teams: 1460 days

Approximate stats: 2,465,048 players, 291,127,828 team snapshots, 5,477,309 recent(~30 days) matches