Pulse SC2 Pulse



Help us cover server costs

Personal support

If you want to support the dev of the project(nephest) personally, then you can use the following options

USDT, ethereum network
USDT, tron network


Why crypto? Why can't I use PayPal/whatever?
Why don't you manage hosting donations?
I live in a place where usage of popular western payment systems is impossible or problematic. Crypto is the only way for me atm. NeWHoriZonS can use PayPal and he agreed to help with hosting donations.
We must pay you for project development now? What happens if you get 0 donations?
I work on sc2pulse in spare time and I'll continue to do so. Nothing will change if I get no donations. However, if I do get donations, I'll spend additional hours working on the project. I can add up to 20 extra hours per month in addition to my usual dev time. To sum things up, by donating to me, not only you support me as a human being which is really cool by itself, but you also get faster development in return! So you are sponsoring both me and the sc2pulse project.
Why did you start collecting personal donations?
I don't have enough money, so I'll be looking for some small side job. I started collecting donations because I'd rather work on sc2pulse than some random stuff I don't enjoy. This is a temporary situation, I plan to remove it once my irl situation stabilizes, but that may take some time.