MMR Ladder
Rank | MMR | League | Region | Team | Games | Win% | Last played | Misc |
Global stats
Games played
Team count
Player count
Player count by activity tier
Daily activity stats
Games played per day
New teams per day
New players per day
New players per day by activity tier
This sections contains normalized global stats. These are the stats as if all seasons have the same duration. The main idea here is to highlight the dynamics rather then absolute numbers. Seasons have a different length, so longer seasons will inevitably have higher numbers, creating misleading positive bumps in the charts. This stats section normalizes the stats by dividing global numbers by season duration(in days), which results in smoother graphs.
Race distribution
Games played by race (%)
Games played by race, distribution by league, Global ()
Games played by race, distribution by league,
Games played by race, distribution by league,
Games played by race, distribution by league,
Games played by race, distribution by league,
Match-up stats
League distribution
Games played by league (%)
Team count by league (%)
Team count by league () (%)
Region distribution
Games played by region (%)
Team count by region (%)
Ranked ladder activity. See sc2arcade for arcade stats. Co-op and unranked ladder stats are unknown.
The "games played" numbers are not 100% precise. The reason for this is that "games played" stats are reset when the player manually leaves their division. Some players have thousands of games played, so they create huge negative distortions when they leave a division. This is why you can see zero games played for some hours.
Player search
Find players by name, BattleTag#1234, [clan], profile link, or battlenet:://starcraft/profile link.
Some BattleTags and in-game profiles may be missing.
Region | Best All League | Best All MMR | Total Games | Last 1v1 MMR | Last 1v1 Games | Player |
Clan search
Only clans that have 4 or more members are listed. All stats except member count are based on ranked 1v1 data. Active member count, average MMR, and games per active member per day are based on data for the last 60 days. Clan names are not always available. Stats are updated every 2 days.
Avg league | Region | Tag | Active members | Members | Avg MMR | Games per active member per day | Name | Misc |
Team search
This is a fuzzy search of recently active teams which helps you find barcodes you just played against when their battlenet::// profile is not available.
Rank | MMR | League | Region | Team | Games | Win% | Last played | Misc |
Stream search
Gray teams represent inferred data and are displayed when the streamer's actual team is unknown.
Twitch VOD search
Please contact me if you are a streamer and want your VoDs to be indexed by this search, or if you want to report a sub-only VoD.
Recent ladder matches
This feature is done on the best effort basis. Some matches may be missing/invalid. 1v1 matches are prioritized, other modes may be less precise. Match history length is ~30 days (up to 90 days in some cases)
Date | ~Len | Type | Map | Decision | Rank | MMR | League | Region | Team | Games | Win% | Misc |
Log in
- Easy access to your stats
- Create a personal ladder out of your favourite players
- Link and share 3rd party services
Region | Best All League | Best All MMR | Total Games | Last 1v1 MMR | Last 1v1 Games | Player |
Are some of your characters missing? Import your BattleNet profile to fix it.
Is your BattleTag missing or invalid? Import your BattleNet profile to fix it.
Linked services
Linked accounts are visible to all users within the service scope(see "Effects" column). You can make your data available to all SC2 Pulse users by enabling the "Public" option. Currently, public connections are displayed in the "Links" section of the corresponding SC2 Pulse profile.
Service | Account | Effects | Public | Action |
Acquisition of linked roles and auto roles. Discord user commands will use your BattleTag instead of Discord username. |
Unfortunately Blizzard API doesn't provide enough info about your account atm, therefore this section has been disabled. Try again when a new season starts, or when a new sc2 patch(even a minor one) is released.
This ladder consists of players you follow. You can follow a player by clicking the "Follow" button in the player info section(click on a player to get there, the button is located at the bottom of the section). When following a player, you will follow all their profiles in all regions. You can follow 75 players max.
Rank | MMR | League | Region | Team | Games | Win% | Last played | Misc |
Region | Best All League | Best All MMR | Total Games | Last 1v1 MMR | Last 1v1 Games | Player |